Saturday, March 20, 2010

Water broke!

9:15 Water is broken, and we're on our way! A nurse came in and just poked her with some little blue rod. TMI?? Get used to it.

She's getting a catheter placed now. We're waiting to increase the Pitocin for another few minutes so we don't stress him out with all of the sudden changes. Little does he know the worst is yet to come. Passing through the canal and learning how to breathe will seem like a walk in the park compared to circumcision. *wince* Poor little guy...

1 comment:

Caroline said...

You do not have to circumcise him. Your instincts are right! Poor little guy indeed. This is and should be a decision he makes for himself when he's older. And odds are, he wouldn't opt for the circumcision.

Please watch this first